issue 2 // film


gregory crewdson / patrycja orzechowska / damien peyret / janne lehtinen / aneta grzeszykowska / martin bogren / agata stoinska / vincent godeau / sam taylor wood / ellen kooi / conor horgan / patrick redmond / stephan zaubitzer / rudy ramos / david flood

format: 38×29 / number of pages: 44 + cover / paper: edixion challenger

// issue 2 / digital version available here


issue 02

there has always been—and always will be—a unique and complex relationship between the moving and the still image. like film, photography grants the artist permission to create a new reality, to compose a visual narrative for its viewers to become lost in. so when the opportunity arose to work in collaboration with the jameson dublin international film festival, we jumped at the chance. our second issue celebrates work inspired by film and cinema in all its guises.

issue 02 presents a portfolio of work that demonstrates not only the influence that film has on many photographers, but also the reciprocal visual discourse that exists between both mediums.

when it came to choosing our featured artist for this issue, we could think of no better photographer to illustrate filmic practises through a single image than gregory crewdson. crewdson’s marvellous and sometimes unsettling depictions of contemporary american suburbia, his cinematic lighting, combined with his exquisite composition and attention to detail make his work a genuine visual treat.

we hope that issue 02 offers you some food for thought and a fresh way of looking at photography. as always, we want you the readers to be as much a part of our selection process as possible so if you have any suggestions
just whistle.

you know how to whistle don’t you? you just put your lips together and…