issue 5 // still life


laura letinsky / luzia simons / takashi yasumura / david goldes / andrew b myers / elspeth diederix / tamara kametani / charlott markus / stephen gill / heiko rintelen / adam fuss / fritz fabert / sean izzard / alison bettles / irek misiak

format: 38×29 / number of pages: 48 + cover / paper: edixion challenger

// issue 8 / digital version available here


issue 05

with the wonderful freshness in the air and the great stretch in the evenings comes a new issue of blow to savour in the bloom of spring. this time we have turned our attention to still life – the oldest study of objects through art and the most traditional of genres.

metaphor, allegory and the hint of something bigger are all intrinsic to the work presented in this issue, but there is also an interest in revising still life and moving it beyond its established conventions. still life has the power to defamiliarise the known and to elevate the status of things to the extraordinary, as illustrated by the selection of work by contemporary photographers who deal with the vast spectrum of this subject matter. we are thrilled to feature the works of laura letinsky and adam fuss – two accomplished photographers of still life who give this genre its own place and methodology.

we hope you will find plenty to appreciate amongst the visual bounty that fills these pages.